Monday, January 15, 2007

Opinions of an unqualified stranger: Why there is no good reason for you to ever return here

It is my intention that this blog become the primary destination for Vancouver residents and visitors seeking incoherent, mood-dependent reviews of well known cafes in the Vancouver area.

It's a long way to the top, but I am prepared to sacrifice valuable hours of maddening solitude to spread my message of whimsy and bitterness to those whom it affects most: hardworking entrepreneurs, offended by my unfair and unwarranted slander of their establishments.

And now, beloved reader, I present to you my first review, somewhere above or below this post, depending on how this thing works.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a most intruiging introduction.... hooky realism - "...mood dependent reviews", within a balance of self-deprecating observations & sharp assessments of the environs.

i'm in.